Innovación y Transformación Digital

Desayuno de trabajo en Bilbao con Rubén Mancha, Profesor de Babson College (Boston)

Miércoles 6 de marzo, 9:30am

Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia (Zamudio). Edificio 101.


6 + 7 =


Rubén Mancha, Profesor de Babson College (Massachusset, USA) expondrá cómo las tecnologías digitales emergentes posibilitan nuevos modelos de negocio y crean nuevas formas de valor; cómo Startups y compañías grandes y pequeñas tienen la oportunidad de innovar con tecnologías digitales y adoptar un modelo de plataforma digital, redefiniendo su posición en ecosistemas empresariales digitales.

Ruben Mancha es Profesor de Tecnología, Operaciones y Gestión de la Información y Transformación Digital de Babson College, Director del Digital Experience Initiative De Babson y Advisor de Dreamers Factory Innovation Outpost.

En 2017, fue galardonado en USA con el premio a los Mejores 40 Profesores de Escuelas de Negocios de menos de 40 años otorgado.

Ha trabajado en proyectos de consultoría e investigación para industrias biotecnológicas en Españas y Estados Unidos

Founded in 1919, Babson College is a highly-acclaimed private business school and a recognized world-leader in Entrepreneurship education.

Babson’s mission is to educate entrepreneurial leaders who create great economic and social value—everywhere. For more than two decades, Babson’s undergraduate and graduate programs have dominated the rankings of the best schools for Entrepreneurship education by U.S. News & World Report and Bloomberg BusinessWeek.

Babson’s Entrepreneurial Thought and Action® methodology supplants and extends traditional ideas of entrepreneurship. It posits that entrepreneurs are made, not born; that they lead at all stages, levels, and types of organizations; and that entrepreneurs bring a range of skills to bear on opportunities, enabling them to envision and navigate change, accommodate ambiguity, and surmount complexity.

Entrepreneurship is the driving force for economic and social value creation around the world, providing a pathway for corporations, business owners, their families, employees, communities, and ultimately societies and countries. Entrepreneurship entails a manner of thinking and a set of behaviors – that are trainable – and this training is necessary to support a variety of entrepreneurial efforts. Entrepreneurial Thinking is the only way to make Innovation sustainable.

Babson’s collaboration with The Dreamers Factory and ESEUNE Business School (Bilbao, Spain) will ideally involve a comprehensive portfolio of entrepreneurial innovation programs and initiatives that not only will create awareness but also will establish an innovation culture within the Spanish enterprises.



Descarga el catálogo PDF del Programa que Babson college y Dreamers Factory desarrollarán en Bilbao